Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prayer Requests 11/16/2009

Michelle - Praises for renters for our house! Prayers for continued patience and peace in our desire to have children. Prayers for Dave to find a great job when he leaves the Navy.

Lisa - Thank You Father for my church and my family.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Prayer Requests 11/8/09

Becky - Dear Lord please bless all those we love. Help Rob & Lisa on their journey to bring Marianna home. Lord give me the strength to let go and let God. Allow me to do Your will not my own. Thank You God for allowing You in my life and living in Your word.

Leann - Thank You for all the prayers and for my healing. Thank You Lord for my successful surgery.

Jeanie - Peace in the kingdom. Lord, bless and feed our family that we can be full of Your love. Heal old hurts and help us be well, healthy and full of Your goodness to be present for others and to add to our family and church family.

Rob & Lisa - Thank You Lord for our family, church, friends and community that came together in Your name to bless Marianna. Let us continue to serve the least of these and love them as You do. Help us to see You in them and let us not forget that we were once lost and abandoned.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Prayer Requests 11/1/2009

Jeanie - PEACE IN THE KINGDOM. Healing to Matthew in Children's for treatment of cancer. Lord show up in a mighty way this month to help us with Marianna - funds to bring her home.

Michelle - Praises that we found renters for our house - they move in December 1st. Continued prayers that the Lord would lead us to Dave's next job and that His will would be clear when it comes time to make decisions. Continued prayers that we would get pregnant in God's timing.

Lisa - Thank You Lord for showing up : ) Now there really is peace. Amen.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Prayer Requests 10/18/09

The Watkins - Please pray that the details would work out according to God's will with renting (or selling) our house. We have potential renters (maybe even a buyer) and pray that all would go according to God's plan.

Jeanie - Prayers for successful and transforming surgery for Leann this week and healing there after. Help with the garage sale on the 7th. Bring stuff on so we can make a chunk of change to bring Marianna home to us. Lord You can help us. Showing up in a mighty way. Christ be in us daily. Help us show others who You are.

Becky - Lord, I know I should pray to do only Your will. But today I feel I need to pray for me. God help me to find a relief from my pain and the constant difficulties I face. I also pray for Leann to be happy, to find relief and to have her surgery and a fast recovery.

Rob and Lisa - Continued grace from our Father in our family. We love Him and continue to come to Him with a big faith. We pray for our unborn grandson Jacob. May God use him mightily. Also, prayers for our little one Marianna and all the other children and staff at Hidden Treasures Home.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Prayer Requests

Becky - Dear Lord, I ask these prayers for others, knowing You will do Your will. Please help Leann to grow and be happy and to recover swiftly from her hip surgery coming up on 10/22. Lord I thank You for helping me through my difficulties and the season of madness I go through. Bless my sister who has always been there for me. I love her with all my heart. Thank You Lord.

Jeanie - Lord, live fully in our hearts. Show up in a big way; guide our steps, our thoughts and purpose. Deliver us from our daily challenges on earth. Help us look, think and feel Your presence more fully. In Your name we pray. Amen.

Lisa - Dear Lord I pray for our church. Please be with those that do not come. Bring them back Father. Lord help us to reach the lost that don't know You. Help us get out the boat and be bold in our faith. I love You Jesus. Please continue to give me the strength to keep stepping out in faith. Lord, protect my family from the evil one in all ways, physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. Lord be with Rob while he travels out of town. Be with Izzy and I as we are home without him. Bless our sweet Jacob as he grows in Jessi's tummy. Father, help Jessi and James commit further to their relationship and help them to become the best parents they can be for this little one. Please Lord keep Marianna safe from the swine flu and please heal all the children that are sick at Hidden Treasures Home.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Prayer Request 10/4/09

Katie - Brother is in Baghdad. Keep him safe until he returns in November. My step-grandmother recently had a stroke. She is doing ok right now. Keep her in prayer.

Becky - God I offer myself to Thee to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy power, Thy love and Thy way of life. May I do thy will always.

Roz - Pray for Lynn and her kids, Matt Bertucci who is fighting cancer. We are thankful for the gifts given to our family from our Lord Jesus.

Jeanie - Prayers for our pastor Gilligan. Continued prayer to our church family. Help us Lord to know our purpose. Help us to know who to talk with, to share Your spirit, to grow our church. One seeded only by Your word and the breath of the Holy Spirit in us. Light our way Lord. Help us move, serve, speak and love in Your name.

Dave and Michelle - Michelle's back pain, renters for the house, money has gotten tight with the problems in our house and cars. We ask that Jesus will help us be better stewards and satisfied with less.

Rob and Lisa - For our church family. For those that don't know You Lord. For Lynnie to get well and stay well. For Marianna for our hearts and her heart to grow together. For patience in waiting for her. For Izzy's health to continue to improve since starting her allergy shots. Maturity for Ryan. Let the Holy Spirit work through him. Fan the flames Lord that are simmering in his heart. He knows You Lord. Help him love You. For our dear unborn grandson. May he grow stronger every day. For our Jessi girl to be healthy and grow closer to You every day. For James to take the appropriate steps to further his commitment. Thank You for always meeting our needs. Thank You for my bible study. I love those ladies Lord. Thank You for their friendship. Thank You father for my husband. Thank You Lord. I love You.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prayer Requests 9/27/09

Michelle - Please pray that we would rent our house soon! Please pray for Michelle's back and tailbone pain - comes and goes but is flaring up now. Please pray for God's timing with getting pregnant and peace and trust for us until it happens.

Jeanie - Prayers in support of Lynnie. Help her listen to You and take right steps. Preparations for Marianna and us for our family. Jessi and James baby. Heal our hearts Lord.

Mustang - Praise The Lord for my Bridge Family. Prayers for Rob and the church that the Lord bless us with more people in attendance. Also, please pray that my children come to know the Lord. That they soften their hearts and use new eyes to feel and see what an awesome Father and friend He is. Father, thank You for the many blessings in my life and for Your amazing love.